Teaching Students to Use New Technology: Modeling then Discovery

Suzie's Penny LabWhen I introduce a new tool to my students, I do so by modeling the tool. By using a wiki to give them notes, for example, I was able to show them how a wiki can be used to organize information and to share in editing. Now they are adding lab summaries and digital artifacts to their own wikis.  I let them figure out how to do this, and as a few students uncovered the secrets, they shared them around the classroom from lab table to lab table.  We all helped each other and I would throw in the occasional direct instruction for those who hadn’t caught on. It may not be the quickest way to implement new technology in the classroom but the students take pride in problem solving and discovering their own answers. This picture was posted on Suzie’s lab page on our wiki. She is including artistic photographs of her lab experiments. Would this have happened if I had given very specific instructions? I believe students find their creative sides when they are given the chance to discover technology on their own. Click the picture to see her wiki page.

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